Foods to Combat Stress

Foods to Help Combat Stress

There are certain types of foods and specific nutrients that specifically help the body deal with the effects of stress, either by increasing production of feel good hormones, reducing feelings of stress or boosting mood. When feeling stressed, it’s a good idea to add these to your regular diet.

Complex Carbohydrates

Starchy carbohydrates increase production of serotonin in the brain which contributes to feelings of happiness and overall well-being. These types of foods are especially good for Vata and Pitta balancing. Just make sure to choose healthy ones such as:

  • Oats, rice, sweet potato, wild rice, farro, barley, millet


Omega 3 fatty acids help reduce anxiety disorders and stress. Some of the best sources include:

  • Fish and Seafood – salmon, herring, mackerel, cod liver oil (yuck), oysters, sardines, anchovies
  • Flaxseeds and Chia Seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Other sources that provide decent amount: pastured eggs, meats and dairy products from grass-fed animals, hemp seeds, and vegetables like spinach, Brussels sprouts, and purslane

Magnesium and Zinc

Magnesium helps reduce feelings of overall stress and zinc helps in mood disorders. Great sources include:

  • Foods Containing High Levels Magnesium and Zinc:
    • pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
    • legumes
    • cashews
    • almonds
  • Foods Containing High Levels of Magnesium
    • dark chocolate
    • avocados
    • brazil nuts
    • flax seeds and chia seeds
    • salmon, mackerel and halibut
    • kale, spinach, collard greens, turnip greens and mustard greens
  • Foods Containing High Levels of Zinc
    • oysters best (most shellfish)
    • hemp seeds and sesame seeds
    • eggs
    • quinoa, rice and oats

Vitamin B6

B6 is important for the production of serotonin. Some of the best sources include:

  • Salmon and eggs
  • Carrots, spinach, sweet potato, green peas
  • Chickpeas
  • Bananas and avocados
  • Cashews
  • Nutritional yeast

Foods with Flavonoids (type of antioxidant)

  • Blueberries
    • Flavonoids that have a positive effect on mood
  • Chamomile Tea
    • Mild sleep aid
    • Flavonoid which binds to receptors in the brain and creates a sedative effect
  • Dark Chocolate
    • Flavonoids that have positive effect on not only stress levels, but also mood and memory along with inflammation and immunity
    • The higher the cacao content, the more health benefits it contains

Leafy Greens

Greens contain folate which is helpful in boosting mood. Leafy greens are great for all Doshas, however, Vata and Kapha types should focus on cooked greens rather than raw. The best sources are:

  • Spinach, Collard Greens
  • Kale, Watercress
  • Mustard greens, Arugula
  • Romaine